Thursday, August 19, 2010

Square One - Week 1

Today Ryan and I went to our first Square One meeting. Square One is a group for first-time moms with infants that my neighbor Mica told me about. The program runs for seven weeks and covers topics such as parenting, baby care, taking care of yourself and keeping your marriage healthy. Mica did the Square One program with her son Jackson last year and said that it was invaluable - being able to meet with a group of women that are going through the same experiences is so helpful and her group still meets for play dates.

We had such a great time and got to meet a bunch of new mommies and their babies. The babies in our group range from eight weeks to eight days old!! There is even one other little boy that shares the same birthday as Ryan.  Today we talked about the program and everyone introduced themselves. There are eleven team moms (experienced mommies who run the program and help us with our babies and any questions, ect) and 13 of us new mommies. Today we  all shared stories about our pregnancies and babies births. It was so neat to hear everyone's experiences and it's just so nice to be in a room full of mommies and babies. I am so glad that I am participating in this group. 

Below is the schedule for the remaining classes 

Week 1 - My Story: Introductions, birth stories, previous life, etc.
Week 2 - Mothering: Babies, parenting, pediatric care, books.
Week 3 - Mama: Taking care of yourself, postpartum depression
Week 4 - Marriage: Husbands, dates, dads.
Week 5 - Making a home: Cooking, cleaning, time-management.
Week 6 - M-I-L's - Family Matters
Week 7 - Memories: Travel, traditions, holidays

Fun times!!

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