1. Total Baby App: As you know its important to track your babies feedings and diaper changes during the first two months and this application has made it so easy. I love it! Initially Kevin and I were hand-writing the feedings down on an excel chart that I had created but it wasn't very accurate and it was a pain always trying to locate a pen! I found this app for $4.99 and its so worth it. It keeps track of everything - feedings (breast side & time on each), diaper changes, child's age, birthdate and so much more. It includes a daily summary - where I learned that I spend 5-8 hours a day nursing and you can compare current day vs. previous days. It has been so helpful for us.
2. iPhone: Obviously for the phone/text functionality but even more so for the GAMES! When I am nursing at night and am the only one up it is the games that keep me going. My favorites are WWF, Doodle Jump, Angry Birds, Klondike Deal 3, Tetris & Bejeweled.
3. The Kindle: Another great invention for a breast feeding mother. I love reading and having a kindle has made it so much easier! It is so wonderful not having to struggle with turning pages (with one hand) and balancing the lopsidedness of a book. Plus I never lose my place!
4. My Brest Friend: Yes, you read that right. I have tried a regular boppy as well as the My Bossom Buddy and for me, My Brest Friend works best. You spend ALOT of time nursing so it is very important to find what works best for you.
5. Tervis Tumbler: I have been in love with the tervis tumblers since Mk introduced me to them three years ago. I have always been a huge water drinker but I think nursing makes you ever thirstier so I am never without my tervis tumbler. Definitely worth the price because it keeps your water cold for hours! Plus the lid and straw are super helpful if you tend to spill!
6. Love my jersey knit stretch robe from the gap. I practically live in this robe and I am sure Kevin is so tired of seeing it, but its sooo comfy!
I love these recommendations and I'm not even pregnant!