Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby’s got a closet!

I was fortunate enough to get a three day weekend this past weekend and it was amazing! My mom drove up to Dallas last Wednesday to stay with me because Kevin was headed to Miami for a conference and I hate to stay alone! And then it just so happened that my dad was flying back from the Middle East and had randomly got routed through Dallas on the return trip so it worked out perfect that he would just get off in Dallas. It is always so nice to have my parents come and visit because we always get so much down around the house when they are here. This past weekend my dad and Kevin worked on our washer machine (it started shaking really bad) but after almost two days of working on it the problem still exists…so there may be a new washer machine in our future. It still washes for now and the shaking isn’t as bad but who knows how long it will last. The other good thing was that my mom helped me clean out both guest room closets. The goal was to empty of guest room #2’s closets because its going to be the baby’s and just move everything I still need in to the other closet. While we cleaned Kevin and my dad went to Home Depot and got stuff to make some shelves in the garage so we could store some more things outside. A couple hours, 4 trash bags, 4 goodwill bags later our little baby has a nice big empty closet. I can’t wait to start filling it up!!!

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