Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Weekend FIVE 11.13

1. Ryan's Veteran's Day Parade
On Friday morning Ryan's school hosted a Veteran's Day Parade. The kindergartners and any veterans are invited to 'parade' through the hallways of the school. They finish in the auditorium and perform a few songs. It was really cute & special! We are so thankful for all the veterans (past & present) who have served our country! Ryan has two great grandparents (both still alive, but unable to attend) that served for our country! I made buttons so that he could honor them as well!

2. Austin
We left Dallas right after school got our and made it to Austin around 7pm-ish. We spent Friday night in Austin at the Paprocki's house. The kids were excited to play with each other...and of course the adults were excited to have a few drinks and relax. I didn't really take any pictures but after a low-key night we packed it up and headed down to New Braunfels for Wurstfest. 
We had lunch at Adobe Verde before heading to the festival. 

3. Wurstfest
I blogged about our Wurstfest shenanigans here. You can also see last years post here

4. Feeding deer & picking lemons!
Natalie's parents graciously invited the crew to spend the night at their house in New Braunfels and it was so much fun. The kids had so much space to run around together and they loved being outside - picking lemons off the tree and feeding the friendly deer!!!

Hayden wanted to sit with the big kids too!

They really wanted to make a lemonade stand...

5. Dinner at Gigi & Papa's
We finished off the weekend with a family dinner at Kevin's parents house. The kids played with all their favorite toys until the Hales arrived! Love having family so close and thankful for these family dinners we are able to have!

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