Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Wurstfest 2016

So it's our new annual thing with this crew - which is awesome because we definitely don't get to see each other enough!

Let the adventure begin!

We started out with a few rides! Hayden and Grayson were ridiculously scared at the beginning of this ride. They were clinging on to me as tight as they possibly could. Thankfully once it started they decided it was pretty fun! Whew. 

Ryan wanted Natalie to ride on the roller coaster with him

So happy to see Uncle Steve and Aunt Claire

While Ryan rode the little roller coaster, these two played with bugs & dirt. 

Grayson won a paw patrol! He was pleased as punch!

After she won her donut shopkin she ran up to Bryan and was giving him lots of cuddles!

Playing more games...

And of course these munchkins needed hats!

She was pretty pleased with her green hat and yellow feather!

G was pleased too!

After the kiddos ate, we took the them home and got them ready for bed. We left them with a couple of sitters so that we could go back to the festival and enjoy some adult-only time. 

Of course we brought our unicorn hats back...

Fried pickles - these were amazing. 

And then all the boys took the magical unicorn hats....

So much fun!

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