Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Weekend FIVE 11.20

1. Randoms from the week
 Even with a big ol suburban, these two prefer to sit in mommy's lap while we wait for Ryan to get out of school. That's ok, I totally over having personal space. 
Audrey reading her new book...upside-down. 

2. Thankful Cards
 Ryan's homework assignment was to make a thank you card for someone. 

He made one for his teacher - Mrs. Littlefield. So sweet!

Grayson also loves doing "homework" so he made one for his teachers too!

I taught them how to make hand turkey's (which is now one of his favorite things to draw) and then he kept asking me for sweet things to draw on the card. "Mommy, what else is sweet?" 
He went with hearts, flowers and hugs and kisses. 

3. Camp Gladiator Birthday Party
Ryan's friend Finn turned six and celebrated with a gladiator birthday. The kids had so much fun doing obstacle courses and my favorite was the tug-o-war! 

First it is was the kids against the moms. Holy smokes...they beat us. And I probably shouldn't admit this but it was legit. yikes!

Then the dads had a go. They also were surprised by the strength of the kids...and decided to surprise them back...

4. Soccer Award Party

After the birthday party we headed to The Lot for Ryan's end of the season party.  This season went much like the season's before...but less crying :) 

Getting his award - he was proud!

Meanwhile...I hadn't seen Grayson in a while....
Grayson and Jack are besties...even with the 3 year age difference.  They said that next time Thomas and Ryan had a playdate they could have one too! lol (Jack is Thomas's older brother)

5. Friendsgiving
The Jackson's hosted a little Friendsgiving celebration. Ben smoked a turkey and everyone brought the sides - it was delish!!!
Hayden taking care of one of Charlie's babies...

The moms were having a great time eating sans kids...until they found us!

Fun group of friends! (missing Terra)

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