Sunday, March 31, 2013

Brunch with the Bunny

Yesterday we headed to the annual Brunch with the Bunny at LCC. Ryan is all about "the bunny"...that is until he has to go sit with him!
He was not happy. 
At all.
On the other hand - G didn't seem to mind him. 
And about 10 seconds after this was taken and we were waiting on the picture to print out Ryan was all smiles and chatting about the Easter bunny like they were old pals. 

Of course there was more to do than just hang with the bunny. They had live bunnies - which Ryan wasn't too interested in either. The marionette show, however, really got his attention!
He really enjoyed the puppet show!

And of course there was cookie decorating! 
And cookie eating.
This is what you get when you try to get him to say cheese while he is eating candy...

The egg hunt was cancelled this year because of the huge storm that came through the night before. They ended up just handing out eggs to all the kiddos so I think they though that was just dandy!

As always...a little chaotic but a fun family tradition!

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