Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

Of course the boys both slept in this morning! (Well, I knew Ryan wouldn't get up until after 8am but little G never sleeps late!) Anyhow, I got up a little early to get everything ready and then I waited...and waited. Since we were heading to church at 9am I decided to wake Grayson myself...after nursing him we woke Ryan too. Sometimes R is a little grumpy when we have to wake him but I reminded him that the Easter bunny had come and he was pretty excited to get downstairs!
Here they are with their baskets...still a little tired! And the flash on my camera was a tad too bright!
Goodies for the boys! 

The Easter bunny hid some eggs outside for the boys! 

Hunting those eggs before the rain started...
 After quickly hunting for eggs we rushed to get dressed and headed to church with the family. After church we were invited over to the Suns to celebrate with brunch. 

Ryan and sweet little Truman!

We decided to do the egg hunt first (in case is started to rain again!)
The kiddos love cracking the confetti eggs! So cute!

My handsome little man!

Trying to get a pic of all the kids (Grayson was napping) was difficult!

Happy boy after his morning nap!

Ryan loved wearing Truman's helmet and riding on his scooter!

Hanging with Henry!

Mommy and her sweet little baby!

We saved two eggs for Grayson...he immediately put it in his mouth (that's why it's red)

Such a wonderful day with family and friends! Happy Easter!

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