Friday, March 29, 2013

Cheers Mr. & Mrs. Park

Last weekend we had a blast celebrating Lindsey & Colin! Friday was wedding prep day - mani/pedis, rehearsal and dinner. So fun! Saturday started bright and early - hair and makeup started at 8am! Yikes! I was a little late...and had to run home to feed my little man but was still able to do all my bridesmaid duties :)
home to feed g!

Gorgeous bride ready to get hitched!

handsome hubby! love him!

Can't believe that Kevin and I actually set these two was like accidentally on purpose. We didn't really realize what a perfect couple they would make until about 10 minutes before we were going to introduce them...but we still like to take all the credit. I mean...we did introduce them!

Love sassy Jessyca! Jessyca loves little R and one day he will realize how sassy she is!

Oh dear...these boys!

Had so much fun at their wedding! Can't wait till they get back from their honeymoon...ready for a dinner date!

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