Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

This year we hosted my parents, brother, grandparents, and Kevin's parents for Christmas Eve. Per the Vassilaros tradition we made homemade pizza! Yum!

Making pizza with my dad

The kitchen got a little messy...but you have to toss the dough!

It was a little tight but we managed!

Mom and dad

Gigi and Grayson

My Yaya and Papu

Mary made a yummy salad! My pizza was falling apart but this one was caramelized onions & jimmy's sausage - so delish!

And an assortment of cookies for desert! 

Everything was delicious and we all had a great time. I am so excited for next year when we can do this in our new house - with lots of space :)
As for the rest of the evening...the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
 Ryan and Grayson put on their Christmas jammies, left some cookies out for santa and headed to bed!  

Santa liked his cookies! Yum!

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