Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holidays with family

I was so excited for the holidays this year - so excited for my family to come in town! My dad hadn't seen Grayson since he was born and Ryan was starting to think that Papu lived in the computer (because we usually see him on Skype).

Nick arrived Thursday evening (after bedtime) so Ryan didn't see him until he woke up on Friday morning. When the UPS had delivered a package on Thursday I said "Who is it?" and Ryan ran to the door saying "It's Nick! It's Nick" I knew he was excited to see him. When Ryan woke up Friday morning and saw Nick he ran up to him and started showing him all his toys then grabbed his hand and took him upstairs to play in his playroom - so cute!

YiaYia, Papu, and Uncle Steve arrived Friday morning and Ryan was thrilled once again! He loves having everyone in town - lots of attention!

Kevin had to go to work Friday morning so we took it easy and hung around the house. We headed up to the new house so everyone could see it then went to Royal Thai for lunch. 

On Saturday the boys went to the Perot museum and my mom and I (and Grayson) headed to Northpark. We started at Dry Bar with blow outs then did a little last minute Christmas shopping- so fun! That evening we celebrated Christmas with Nick (since we was headed back to Florida on Sunday). My dad fried a turkey and my mom also brought a ham. And of course we had all the yummy sides that go along with...delicious!

Vassilaros kids

Our fried turkey!

My little christmas elf!

After dinner Uncle Nick and Ryan decorated a gingerbread house. This was extremely difficult since Ryan tried to eat all of the candy instead of using it to decorate. Oh well....

Ryan helped Nick open his gifts

Good work!
Ryan started out slow with his unwrapping....he hands you every little piece that he tears off and will not continue until you take it from him. He does not like messes - just like his daddy! After a while he managed to tear some larger pieces off which helped speed things up. I was starting to think Christmas morning might last all day....Anyhow, he had a great time playing with his (and Grayson's) toys that Uncle Nick got them. Glad we got to celebrate with Nick before he had to head back!

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