Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Santa came!

Ryan and Grayson's new train set from Santa! The adults had just as much fun playing with this as Ryan did!

He wasn't really interested in opening any other gifts after finding his train set!

Uncle Steve helped Ryan open his stocking goodies...straight for the candy!

This guy just hung out and watched...

Hanging with ProPapu & Bob

After we open gifts we had some breakfast - some fruit salad and a sausage casserole.

Eating with ProYaya

Grayson's first Christmas - and a white one at that! This was when the snow just started falling!

Mommy and Ryan by the tree

YiaYia and Ryan!

We all headed over to Kevin's parents house for dinner on Christmas Day. It was so nice of them to invite our entire family over - we had such a great time! I wish I would have taken some pictures but I forgot my camera! What a wonderful Christmas Day!

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