Monday, August 27, 2012

Dolfin Swim School - Aqua Yoga

If you haven't had a little laugh's a free giggle!

Ryan has been taking swim classes since March at Dolfin Swim School . We really love it there - all the teachers are super nice and the facility is new and clean. Anyhow, one day after class a couple weeks ago the owner, Ms. Linda, asked if I wouldn't mind posing for a picture. She is going to start teaching a new Aqua Yoga Pregnancy class and needed a pregnant model for some pictures. I thought she would just get a picture of me...being pregnant. lol. Honestly I didn't really think much about it. When Ms. Linda busted out her book of pregnancy yoga poses I was a little frightened - there was a lot poses that involved laying in the water with your legs open - very birth like poses to say the least...I asked to do something with a little less focus on the crotch. Thank goodness. I had no idea how much I would be seeing my goofy face all over the place but am much happier it is my face and not my crotch! lol!

Anyhow, I about died when I saw this advertisement show up in my facebook feed. (Perhaps my years working at an advertising agency have made me a bit of a snob when it comes to ads.) I debated posting it on my blog but decided why not? I can laugh at myself too!  Plus, I think the class might actually be cool so posting it could actually serve its purpose. Check out their website if you are interested!

Anyhow, back to the picture. First of all, my pose is so random.  Do you like how I have my legs posed? I am so yoga. And my graceful. Honestly I die. I die when I see it because I look like such a goofball. My hair is a wet mess (which needs to be highlighted horribly) but what can you do? When we headed to class last week Ms. Linda was so excited about showing me the marketing pieces I couldn't help but giggle some more. She is so darn sweet and truly excited about how they turned out. Hey - I'm happy to help out.
So yup - that's me. The new face of Aqua Yoga for Dolfin Swim School. Don't I scream yoga?

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