Sunday, August 26, 2012

Moving Sale

On Saturday, which also happened to be my 30th birthday, we hosted our first ever yard/moving sale. We really weren't sure what to expect but in the end we chalked it up as pretty darn successful. We were able to get rid of everything AND we made some cash in the meantime. Not a bad day!
The Prep: 
An email to some friends to see if they wanted to participate - they did, score!

Piled up stuff for garage sale as I started packing for our move

Purchased a permit to have a garage sale from the City of Dallas (I had no idea that the City of Dallas requires you to buy a permit to have a garage sale. That, and you aren't allowed to put up any signs except ONE in your own yard. I was a little worried that no one would come but I didn't want to get a $200 fine for illegally advertising!)

Posted ad on craigslist and a couple of other garage sale websites that I googled

Made one sign to post in yard

That's all!

Sale day:

Woke up at 6am & started moving stuff outside

Sale officially started at 7am and lasted until about 11am. We had a pretty steady crowd and all three couples that participated made a decent amount of cash. 

When it was over we donated everything that was left to Christian Hospitality. They came and picked everything up so we didn't have to worry about it!

Hot items:
Jewelry - everyone was asking for jewelry and watches. I had no idea that would be so popular. 

Electronics - my friend Terra sold a DVD player for $15!!! We thought she would have to give it away!

Furniture - it definitely draws a crowd

Clothing - we found $1 is easiest and most's really hard in the beginning to think about how much you spend on that item of clothing and the fact that you are basically giving it away at $1 but then again if you don't wear it or it doesn't fir what is the point of keeping it. Lindsey and I had a hard time selling our jeans for $5....when people scoffed at our price we said BUT THEY ARE DESIGNER! Haha no one really cared. I think I ended up selling some True Religion jeans for $3....oh well.

Really all categories of items sold but I guess I would say home accessories were probably the least popular. They still sold...but we had most of those items leftover in the end. 

Helpful tips:
Don't waste your time pricing items. People will just ask you. One thing that surprised us is that a lot of people didn't try and bargian. They would ask the price and if they thought it was too high they would just put it down instead of trying to get it cheaper. It was best to say the price and if they reacted that way ask them what they wanted to pay. Sometimes it worked...sometimes it didn't.

People come EARLY! I always heard this but I guess I just didn't expect it. We had our first customers outside before we were even out! Those are the ones that know what they are looking for...which is kinda nice because then you can tell them if you have it or not. Locating it is another issue....

Honestly the whole thing was a good experience. We didn't have to put much time and effort into it and we ended up getting rid of all of our stuff.  If you are thinking about having one I would totally do it!

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