Monday, August 27, 2012

Ryan's First Trip to the Dentist

Little man loves brushing his teeth but the only issue we have is that he likes to brush them himself...and by brushing I mean wetting the toothbrush and sucking the water and toothpaste off of it. So I was a little worried about what the dentist might say about his teeth. 

I have heard so many different opinions on when you are suppose to make your first dental appointment. Some people say six months after the first tooth comes through. The AAP recommends at one year...and I think our pediatrician told us at his 18 month appointment that it was probably time. He pointed out how close Ryan's teeth were - which just means it's a lot easier for cavities to form. I ended up waiting until he was two....basically because I just kept forgetting to make the appointment. Anyhow, it was a fun little visit and Ryan seemed to enjoy it.

Cute little welcome board
We are seeing Dr. Kogut and he is located right downstairs from our pediatrician which is super convenient for us. The office/staff is very impressive. They are super organized and everything seems to flow perfectly. The entire staff is so darn peppy and happy - they seriously must drink happy juice...I mean it was Monday morning and everyone was all smiles. It was almost like a Disney movie or something. They had a great little play area in the waiting room that Ryan found right away. 

We didn't have to wait long before they called us back for his appointment. They took us to a little room and explained everything they were going to do. Ryan saw this monkey right away and started making monkey noises and jumping around. He was quite excited. 

Anyway, he sits straddling me and then I laid him down on this cushion thing so that his head is in the techs lap. She brushed and flossed his teeth and he did so well. After she was done Dr. Kogut came in and he did a fluoride treatment and checked for cavities. All good. Yay!

Oh an in between the tech and the dr Ryan did some dancing. Why not?

Afterwards they gave Ryan a balloon and a gift bag - such a fancy dentist! Anyhow, Ryan loved it so hopefully all of our visits will go this well!

More dancing on the way out...


  1. Congratulations to the little man for doing so well on his first dentist visit! I understand the dilemma with the age. The most common recommendation for bringing babies to the dentist is the timeframe between their 6th month and their first year. That clinic you went to sounds really great. It’s very important for dentists to have great people skills to make their patients feel comfortable and show that there isn’t anything to fear from going to the dentist.

  2. Oh yes, the first trip was a HUGE success! :) You’re right; there are quite a number of arguments about the best time to bring your kid for his first dental visit. While the greatest factor is the growth of his teeth, his preparedness must be considered as well. This can depend from one child to the other because development has varying rates.

  3. “I mean it was Monday morning and everyone was all smiles.” – I think they just wanted to welcome you and show you the kind of work they do. Haha. Just kidding! Anyway, I think your little man was quite at ease with his first dental visit. He looked very comfy that he showed the staff some moves! Good thing you were able to bring him to the dentist. Bringing your kid to the dentist at an early age will teach him the importance of good dental health.

  4. Yey for a great time at the dental clinic! My kiddo can be a handful sometimes, but the clinic we went to last month was very accommodating. They also had this play area so kids can wait without getting bored. Playtime can really help them adjust in a new environment. Looks like you wouldn’t have any problems bringing Ryan to the dentist next time.

    - Darcy Losh
