Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

I can't believe it has already come and gone! 

Above is a picture of our Christmas tree this year - notice how there are no ornaments on the bottom half of the tree? Worked out well for me I suppose - my "Merry Christmas" fit right in.  Anyhow, I am sure you could guess that Ryan was the reasoning for that. All in all he wasn't OBSESSED with the tree/ornaments (which was nice) but I can't really blame him. The tree was in our living room, which is also his play room, so every once in a while he would catch a sparkly ornament in his vision and he would just have to go for it.  We lost a few this year but it was to be expected. I will say that it made it easy for me to take everything down quickly - its the first year I have had all the inside decorations down by NYE!

Anyhow, back to Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas and are so grateful that we have family so close and were able to spend the holidays together.   We really lucked out because we were able to celebrate Christmas with both sides of the family. My parents, brothers and grandparents were able to make a trip up to Dallas before Christmas and then we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Kevin's family. 

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