Friday, December 30, 2011

Shrek on ICE

This year we spent Christmas in Dallas. My family came in to town before Christmas so it was up to us to come up with some pre-holiday activities. They arrived Thursday evening so we just had a late dinner and caught up. We planned to celebrate Christmas (with my family) on the morning of the 24th, so we had a full day to do something fun. Kevin and I hadn't seen ICE and we thought it might be something that the whole family would enjoy so on Friday morning we all headed out to The Gaylord to see what it was all about. 

This year ICE was Shrek the Halls and it was pretty cool to see. First of all, I have never been to the Gaylord. That in itself is something to see. Wow. It's big. 
My mom bought tickets beforehand for the first available time so we didn't have to wait very long. (You do so much walking that there isn't much of a line.) It felt like we walked forever but we finally made it - we waited in one line to get into an auditorium type area. Once in there we watched a video all about how the exhibit was made then went to get a large blue parka (which was needed). A quick posed picture was taken some more walking and then FINALLY we got to the doors of the exhibit. 

After all this walking, waiting, watching stuff Ryan was still doing pretty good. RIGHT before we walked into the exhibit Kevin let him get down (he was squirming to walk) and the little guy tripped and fell on his face. He had too many jackets on and couldn't break his fall with his hands. His sharp little teeth took a chunk out of his lip. Poor guy. So there was a little blood. But all in all he was ok. He didn't really cry so we decided to power through. 
Ryan and daddy 

My Yia yia and Papu
Holy hotdog - it is cold in there! I think it is around 12 even in all my layers it started to get COLD!  i cannot imagine actually being one of the sculptors. The whole thing is pretty cool to see but by the end I was ready to get out. 

A couple of things:
1. Bring your cold weather gear - jackets, scarfs, gloves, hats...everything - you need it! All they give you is the jacket to wear over which isn't very thick. It's great because its super that helps. 
2. Go early! We went the first available time which worked out well. I can only imagine that it would be a crazy mess in there later in the day. 
3. No strollers - you can bring strollers all the way up to the entrance. Everyone told me this and I didn't really find it to be an issue. Ryan was fine being held so no problems there. 

After the exhibit we found a place to eat then headed back to Dallas. While we had a great time I think its one of those "once is enough" type deals. Maybe when Ryan is older and wants to go down the slides we could make another trip, but for now consider it checked off the list of Christmas fun.  
This is as we were leaving. Ryan was itching to do some walking so his Pro papu and Papu went with him. How cute!

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