Sunday, December 25, 2011

Dear Ryan (17 months)

Happy 17 months little bugaroo!

I can't believe another month has gone by! You were quite a busy little man - here is a quick recap of what you were up to:
- Meeting with Santa
- Celebrated Lyla turning six, Andy turning two and Truman turning ONE! Wozers! Lot's of December birthdays!
-Visited with your Pro Yia Yia and Papu
-Went to ICE at the Gaylord
Grandma and Ryan

Yia Yia and Ryan

Lyla's sixth birthday

Andy's 2nd birthday
You have been waking up a little bit later - anytime between 7:30 and 8am.

We haven't been walking much in the morning because the weather has been so chilly. It's not fun being homebound so we actually have made it to quite a few morning music classes at the library.

Your napping has been pretty great - you go down around noon and sleep for two or more hours.

It is getting increasingly more difficult to get errands done with you in tow. You only last so long in a cart or stroller.

You seem to know when it is time for bed and are completely ok with it. When you are tired you just want to get in your crib and go to bed - so cute!

You are pretty bad about throwing your food on the ground. I am trying to break you of this habit but it is hard...

You are a decent eater but when you are teething you don't have much of an appetite. You really love eating hamburgers but only when daddy feeds them to you. Sometimes you don't mind your food being cut up into small pieces and sometimes you's always a guessing game. If you don't want something you will turn your head and swat it away. Oh and you also started taking food, acting like you are going to eat it, chewing it all up,  then spitting it all out....I suppose you are getting some nutrients? 

Two NEW chompers (your one year molars)! Your top right came in early Dec and your bottom came in December 23rd. One more to go!

You definitely know your nose, mouth, teeth, ears, eyes, hair/head and BELLY BUTTON! It's so cute when someone asks you to point and you do it.

Sizes (same)
12-18 months
size 5 shoes

New Words
Pleahh = Please
Uhh (with arms up) = Up
Milh = Milk

Other random notes:
We got your THIRD haircut this month! (Don't worry, I will stop counting soon.)

Gotta stay hydrated

You sign 'please' and its really cute. When you sign you also say it, but it comes out like "pleahhh" and you have a huge smile too.

You are obsessed with your little mini table and chairs

You enjoy coloring but really love to watch or make others color

You discovered play dough and are pretty fond of it

You are a HUGE fan of giving the dogs their treats when we leave (yes, I know....why do I give our dogs treats when we leave?) You always give Macy hers first and then Bob.

Tormenting Bob is one of your favorite things to do. You like to grab a dish towel from off the stove rack and then shake it in his face....he is not a fan.

Macy loves you and you are pretty fond of her but sometimes you lash out for no reason. You will throw food on the ground and then when she eats it you get mad at her. Poor girl.

I can't believe you are almost a year and a half! Ahhhh! Love you bunches little bug!

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