Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekend Wrap up

So...I may have failed to post last weekends round up so I am just going to do one big ol roundup- how do you like that? Good.

Big things happening here!

First of all - little G took his FIRST steps!!!! We didn't get video of the first ones but Kevin did whip out his new white iphone to capture some after...although he didn't perform as well. Kevin isn't super quick with his phone yet sooooo...Anyhow, he was SO pleased with himself!!! It was adorable! I really wish I had good video...but I will soon!

So before I keep going I will back up to last weekend...since I never posted anything. oops! Anyhow, last Thursday night Kevin's parents watched the boys for us (they just returned from Montana - yay!) and we had a little date night at the arboretum.

The weather was beautiful - we had a little picnic, some adult beverages and listened to some live music with an incredible view. Fun stuff!

Last Friday evening I had a girls night out. We headed to HG Sply Co for some paleo inspired food and topped it off with some beers at the Truck Yard. Lots of fun!

Yummy beet margarita...perhaps too yummy for me to handle!

The next day was TX OU game...which in years past has been a HUGE weekend for us. All the boys get up at the crack of dawn to start tailgating and the women have a super fun shopping's greatness. However, this year the men decided going to the game wasn't worth it...since the Longhorns haven't been doing that great. Some fans, right??? They ended up regretting their decision (obviously) and Sarah had to finally kick them all out :) Next year back to the regular game plan!!! Anyhow, it was still a lot of fun and the boys and I also headed over there for a little fun.

Ethan taught Grayson how to play pee-a-boo with his little hands - it's adorable!

That night Jen flew into town! I have been so excited to see her - haven't had some girl time with her in forever!!! We had so much fun catching up over pizza and creating a plan of attack for our shopping the next day! Jen is 6 months preggo so our focus was on baby Kate!

Sunday morning we started out with a walk on the Katy Trail down to Company Cafe. (I got my favorite - the beat. It's simple and I love it.) We had a yummy brunch with the boys then headed back home for naptime just before the rain set in. Kevin actually had to go in to the office so Mary graciously came over to watch the boys so that we could do a little shopping. We hit up Baby Bliss and PBK. It was so much fun shopping for a little girl!!!

Sunday evening we hosted the family dinner and go to eat at our new dining room table! It was so nice for everyone to have a place to sit!
Grayson was so excited to sit at the table with Ryan. 

And Ryan was excited to have Audrey replace him. lol. 

And the big kid table. 

Fast forward to this weekend.
Friday night Kevin and I were excited to lay low. My sister-in-law is on a girls trip so Kevin's parents were helping out at their house Friday afternoon. After the boys woke up from their naps we walked over there to hang out with Gigi and Audrey. 

When we got home Ryan and Grayson opened their Halloween cards from Yaya & Papu. Ryan LOVES his cards...because they have music. He walks around when them and has almost learned all the words to the purple people eater song!

On Saturday Kevin played golf with his buddies and I headed to the spa with mine! Lucky us! We had a sitter come and watch the boys. We didn't really have plans for Saturday night and ended up doing a last minute dinner and football watching with the Botterman's. 
Blake and Grayson playing

Ryan's soccer game was moved to Sunday at noon...and only five of the kids could actually make it....which  meant that the same five kids had to play the entire time! It was comical - I love three year old soccer! 

Grayson just chillin on the sideline...drinking all of Ryan's water. 

Grayson and Hayes...trying to escape

All that hard work paid off - blueberry muffins and bananas! Big hit!

We came home and ate lunch then headed upstairs for naps...
Gigi and Papa came by to say goodbye - they leave for their three week trip around SE Asia tomorrow morning. Yes, so now both sets of grandparents are going to be in SE Asia. I know they will have a great time...they are meeting up in Bali!  Grayson didn't show off his new walking but I am sure he will be more comfortable with it by the time they return!

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