Wednesday, October 23, 2013

That's what he said

So Ryan is getting a bit more chatty and it's super fun! He says some pretty cute stuff so I thought I would start documenting when I can!

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Ryan and Yiayia were playing with Mr. Potato head
R: Yiayia, will you help me put this on Mr. Potato head?
Y: Of course I will, what is the magic word?
R: (so innocently and slightly confused says) Abracadabra!?!

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When he is asking you a question and you say you don't know he says "Oh, maybe we ask mommy/daddy"

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He told his babysitter that Daddy was going to be a Polar Bear for Halloween. When we got home she asked Kevin what he was going to be...which was an odd question and we didn't know where it was coming from and then she explained. Basically Ryan was fairly certain that daddy was going to be a polar bear. She thought it was hilarious. (Oh, and for the record, he never planned to be a polar bear...but now we are thinking he might have to be one!)

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Ryan loves names. First names. Middle names. You mom's name. Your dads name. All of them. And he will ask you or he will ask me. "Mommy, what's her name?" And I always say "Well, we have to ask her"blah blah. So his sitter said that he asked her all these questions and it was so cute. The next morning I asked him what our sitter's middle name was and he looked at me and said "Maybe you should ask her" Snap.

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Ryan says "yes" in the cutest way. I know that may sound odd, but I have had multiple people tell me how adorable it is! I don't know quite how to describe it in words but trust me, it's cute.

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He also believes that daddy can fix anything! And with only batteries...this was actually a while ago (maybe even a year ago???) but he was out walking with daddy and he saw a dead bug on the ground. He looked at it and said "daddy, that bug needs batteries". ohsocute!

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