Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Wrap up

We kicked off our weekend with a visit to daddy's office! On our way up to the office we picked up a dozen Trailercakes cupcakes! Yum!
Grayson just squished his and Ryan licked the icing...oh well!

Ryan brought his bat mobile and it was a huge hit with Colin. Now Ryan thinks Colin is pretty darn cool. 

After we chatted with some peeps we moved our loud boys into Kevin's office...immediately Kevin looked worried. He quickly realized his office was not toddler/baby proofed.  Papers started flying, buttons were being pushed, office supplied being mangled, coworkers were being's amazing how fast little kids can work a room. 

Luckily we were able to focus their attention on the construction site below. They are building a new Whole Foods right across from the office - yay for daddy!

After our little office visit we headed to Olivella's for dinner with the Botterman's. That was about as successful as our time in Kevin's office. I can't blame anyone but myself because I wasn't really prepared...I had nothing to entertain the boys with and can't really expect them to remain seated for an entire dinner. Ugh #momfail. Anyhow, we came home and had a few drinks while we put them to bed. Yay for the weekend!

On Saturday morning I randomly woke up at 5:30am and couldn't fall back asleep - this is totally weird as I am a HUGE fan of sleeping. Oh well, I ended up making a chick-fil-a run which almost made up for my lack of sleep. Around 7:15 Kevin and Ryan got up, ate breakfast, then headed out for R's soccer game. G bug was still sleeping and since our new dining room table & chairs were being delivered between 8:30 and 10:30 I decided that we would just hang out around the house. And we did. We played outside for quite a bit of the time. This little man LOVES his cozy coup. He exits the car like a gentleman and enters it like a wild man!  What a hoot.

He seriously loves this thing! It's great! And Ryan also loves to push him around in it!

Wouldn't you know...the delivery didn't come until AFTER Ryan and daddy were back from the soccer game...kinda bummed we missed the game. Anyhow, they finally came! I was nervous because I thought I was pushing it with the size but it actually fits perfectly!! I love it even more than I remembered!

We had plans to go to the Lakewood Fall Carnival and maybe even the Lake Highlands Ocktoberfest, but it got cold and rainy so we decided to stay in and lay low. The boys napped and we got a few things done around the house. I attacked the mudroom - whew, it's been a disaster in there. I got it mostly cleaned and organized but have a few final details to finish up. 
I also pulled out the Halloween decorations.  I am still working on fixing everything up but I loved pulling it all out! So fun!

At 6pm our sitter came over and Kevin and I headed out for date night. We ate at Season's 52 then went to see Runner Runner...can't tell you the last time we did dinner and a movie! Didn't love either but still had a great time together.

When I woke up Sunday morning I had that sick feeling in my throat...ugh not interested in getting sick! Anyhow we decided to make a fun breakfast - cinnamon waffles and sausage it was!
We were planning our day out when Sarah texted and asked when we wanted to go to the fair. We were going to go later in the day but after a few text messages with the Hales we decided that earlier might be better! So next stop - the fair!
We had a blast (details later)! After four hours we were exhausted and headed home for naps! The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging around the house and playing outside in the amazing weather. Happy weekend!

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