Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Texas State Fair

Another reason I love fall in Texas - the State Fair! Since I grew up in Houston (ehh...on and off) I didn't really know all about this whole fair situation they had going on up here in Dallas, but it's pretty legit! I mean...rides, games, lots and lots of fried goodness...and the people watching...oh the people watching and least we forget, BIG TEX!

We headed out to fair park on Sunday since the weather was Ah-mazing. When we walked up to the gate there was a long line and we were wondering if we made a bad decision...but once we got inside it was fine. The only time we waited in line was for a Fletchers Corny dog...yum!

Ethan and Sarah were the first ones to test a ride...fun stuff!

Uncle Michael and little G watching. I really like Michaels purse...just pulls everything together :)
And we were twinkies! 

The first thing Ryan tried was a funhouse...and he didn't think it was all that fun. 

But then he saw this super duper slide and was all about it. 

We even rode a roller coaster. He LOVED it. Seriously, he is thrill seeker...and I had NO IDEA! 

Miss Lyla Hale

And Ryan was able to ride a bunch of rides by himself...which he LOVED. 

Taking a break while we tried the fried thanksgiving dinner (most creative award this year)...which was basically just fried stuffing. I actually didn't try it but the group consensus was "eh". 

Hale family photo opt

And our turn

We made our way to some corny dogs and this little man passed out. Poor guy missed out!

He was a fan :) He basically ate the whole thing! Sarah bought the friend Cuban Roll (best tasting winner) and I loved it! It was uber greasy...and uber delicious. 

And after lunch we had to get some desert. We tried the fried s'mores since Kevin loves his smores. Not bad...could have used some ice cream with it. I guess I just prefer my deserts cold. 

Trying to get a pic of all the kiddos to send to Grandma....not incredibly successful after sharing a funnel cake!

We hit up a couple more rides...Ryan wanted to go on all of them! 

Action shot...Ryan flying!

And this crazy ride that bumped up and down quite vigorously. Some of the kids weren't big fans...but little R sure was!

2013 fair was a success! I might take the boys back sometime during the week with some friends since they had so much fun. Can't wait to bring the boys back next year...I can only imagine how much Grayson will love it when he is big enough to ride some of the rides!

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