Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Since I have been bad about my blogging I decided that I would (try and) do a weekend wrap-up each week so that I can keep on top of it all!

First of all we were excited to have Yia Yia back in town! She came up Thursday afternoon to go to a crafting party with me at Paper Source- yay! On Friday morning Demaris came over to watch the boys so that we could have some fun shopping! Ryan has been asking for Demaris so he was super excited to play with her!

First of all I am so excited that we finally made a decision on our dining room table! I can't wait for it to come in! When I ordered it the expected ship date was November 14th BUT on Saturday I got an email saying that it was being shipped! ummm yay! So hopefully it will be here in the next week or so. There is a small chance that it might be too big for our dining room. I did measure and it fits but I just don't know if it will look too big once all the chairs are there too. We will have to wait and see!

T and I headed to North Park for a little shopping. I found lots of cute fall stuff for the boys at Nordy's. They usually don't have much so I was super excited with everything that I found! I love Tucker & Tate, Mini Boden and Peek. The whole theme this season is woodland creatures so everything was so darn adorable! I got the boys some fun stuff but now I need to focus on finding something for them to wear for our family holiday pictures! I also found a really cute sweater dress at Anthropologie! It's perfect for UT games and I will probably wear it on Thanksgiving too! T and I had lunch at Bistro N and then headed back to play with the boys!

On Friday night we headed to the Rangers game to celebrate our friend Andrew's birthday.  Although the rest of the parents decided not to bring their kiddos we thought it would be fun for R, especially since Yiayia was in town and could take of of little g at home. The game didn't start until 7pm, so not only did he get to go to a baseball game but he got to stay up late! He LOVED it!
Since his Ranger's shirt from last year was too small the first stop was to get some gear. They didn't have any shirts in his size (that I could find) so we settled on a hat...which was also a tad too big but oh well! 
And he spotted a Ranger's potato head...and fell in love. Seriously, he is obsessed!

Happy little man!
Daddy got him ice cream in a hat - with sprinkles! This also helped him stay up late!
Hanging with mrs. park!

Parks and mr. potato head!

And the birthday boy! high-five!

On the way back to the car we got a pedicab.

Saturday morning we had to get up and going - 8am soccer game! I am going to do a whole separate post on Ryan's soccer adventures, so stay tuned!
 After the game on Saturday the rain came in and we had a lazy day at home, complete with wonderful naps for all! Saturday evening Yiayia watched the boys (again!) and Kevin and I headed to the Park's house for a little house-warming fiesta.
We had such an awesome time - loved hanging up the the girls! So happy to see Miss Jessyca!!! She was a surprise for Lindsey
Since the weather was AMAZING we sat outside on the back porch. The host insisted on bringing out their leather recliner for their preggo guest! 

Sunday morning Kevin and I realized once again that we are not as young as we used to be...and swore (once again) that we would not stay up late drinking with friends. We were a little slow going but since the weather was amazing once again we went on a walk to the park with the boys! We headed back for Grayson's nap but Ryan and daddy played outside all morning. In the afternoon we finally got dressed (in respectable clothing) and headed to Stella's Princess and Prince 3rd birthday party at Bake and Play Cafe!
Grayson and Ryan loved playing in the kids area!

Ryan dressed up for a hot second...his mask covered his eyes and he tripped so he quickly ripped everything off. I hope Halloween goes a little better than this! 
Then it was baking time! All the kiddos (I am talking about 30 kids) made their own pizzas! It was ambitious, messy and chaotic...but lots of fun!

I helped Grayson...which just meant that I did it all or I am pretty sure he would have eaten all of the ingredients. 

Dressing up...daddy was not happy about that earring I stuck on Ryan. He would probably be less pleased to see that I am posting the picture! lol!

After pizza all the kiddos decorated cupcakes! Yum!

Lots of sprinkles...and lots of icing. 

Another fun weekend with family and friends!


  1. love your blog and that you're blogging more now. I need to check out that place for my girls' joint party in March. Looks fun.

  2. Yes! It's cute! Oh and I am totally doing a joint party n ext year for my boys! So much easier!

  3. El Niño Besarle A La Boca A La Niña Y Llevale En El Baño Haciendo El Amor Y El Niño Te Vas A Encuerar La Niña Enseñales El Pilin En El Niño Y También Enseñales A Tu Culo El Niño
