Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all!

This past weekend we had amazing weather - below 100. It was amazing! Our soccer game was cancelled on Saturday morning (from the rain on Friday) so we decided to head to the zoo with some friends!

G bug checking out the elephants! He pointed and giggled at them - so cute! After the elephants he fed some giraffe's. Well, dad did...but he didn't get scared like last time. 

Hanging with Blake!

We headed over to the kid area and Ryan rode a pony! woah! big stuff! And ain't that some cheese! That is his new signature smile. yup. 

Next up - feeding the birds. For some reason I really love doing this. Maybe because it's slightly scary walking in there and having birds land on you...and that's about all the 'scariness' that I can handle these days! lol! When we walked in that little gray bird flew and landed on Grayson's head. I wish we had a picture! It was pretty funny...G was a little confused but not upset!

Ryan and Andy loved it! They kept asking the bird keepers to get a bird down for them - that seems to be the problem at the areas where you feed the animals...they are never hungry!!!

And of course on the way out we had to ride the carosel. Ryan is a faithful man - he did not stray from his white stead. Grayson on the other hand just got what was next to his brother...I am sure he will have an opinion soon. Anyhow, he was worried at first but once it started he was pretty happy. After the zoo we headed to the Truck Yard for some outdoor dining and food! Yum!

On Sunday we took the boys to the Rory Myers Children's Adventure Center at the arboretum. We have been once before but it was Kevin's first time. The first time we went it was so crowded - I really thought it would be uber crowded this weekend but to our surprise it wasn't at all - which was Ah-mazing! I am truly impressed by this place - I have never been to anything like it.

You can't tell but we are under a waterfall here!

We headed up to the big treehouse! G bug loved crawling around on it - Ryan was a little more cautious.
This is the T. Boone Pickens Pure Energy Gallery - the boys love it because, well, there is a lot of water!
There are so many volunteers at each gallery that help explain everything! They are awesome!

This is the Earth Cycles outdoor gallery. Here Ryan is playing with a worktable that demonstrates erosion. You create a landscape with this plastic sand type stuff - add trees and houses then turn on water and see how the landscape erodes. It's basically in warped speed...
All the planets...
And a sundial. Pretty cool stuff! Yup - it was 1:30....

After all this fun we headed back to the house for naps! For dinner we had the Suns, Botterman's and Hales over.
Grayson and Blake just hanging

This is how my little man goes down ALL slides! Head first. He's wild!

And everyone got a ride!

And then I snapped this ... which Kevin and I love. Mainly because this IS the reason we were so excited to be in this house. the backyard. the kids. the pure happiness. this makes up happy.

all the kids were running around chasing each other...just being kids. love it!

life is good. feeling very blessed. happy momma.

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