Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My little model

Back in the beginning of May my photographer that I love, Chelle Cates,  emailed me and asked if Grayson wanted to be a model at a photography school she was attending. They needed a little boy, 6 - 10 months old and she thought of him first - so sweet. She said that I would basically get a free photo shoot by a world renowned photographer...so I was like ummmm yes, we will be there! You know me, I love pictures! 

When we got there they set up a scene and Julie Klassmeyer started taking photos while explaining what she was doing to the class. She gave them all sorts of info from how to set things up, how to get their attention and of course how to get the best pics. Once she snapped some pics, everyone else got a turn too. It made me a little nervous because he started to get a little fussy...no one wants a fussy baby! Luckily after a little break and a set change he was good to go!

I was busy holding him on the props so I couldn't take any pics - but I grabbed two. 

That's one juicy little tushy!

And here are the images from Julie Klassmeyer. These are the copyright images that I took off the website (hmmm that might be illegal, but I'm not trying to pass them off as my own) Anyhow, I need to select which ones I want and just haven't done it yet!

Chevron backdrop - ummm did they know I was coming??

Don't let this pic fool you - he actually hated this rug. He did so much better with the other scene. 
Anyhow, fun times with little g!

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