Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Kevin

Today Kevin turned 33!
He actually spent the last 4 days in Vegas so he was a wee bit exhausted when he got home...but we still celebrated! The boys were happy to see him!

My sweet little guys

And a family pic! It's hard to get their attention when I'm holding a BIG balloon. 

And Yiayia and Bob sizzle. 

Ryan helped me make a raspberry cheesecake per Kevin's request. I decided to make one of Ina Garden's recipes...goodness. She sure does have a lot of time on her hands...I guess you probably shouldn't start one of her recipes at 6 o'clock in the evening. There was so much care that went into this bad boy that I found myself up at 2am tending to it. 

The Hales and Joe were able to join us for dinner. We had spaghetti, salad and garlic bread for dinner (per kevin's request) and it was yummy! Kevin was holding Ryan while we sung happy birthday and Ryan was not he screamed .... so we took a picture of Grayson instead. 

And then Kevin had to blow out the candles...whilst Ryan screamed in his ear...

Luckily he calmed down and was able to enjoy some cheesecake. Although he doesn't really look all that happy here either. I should mention that Ryan helped me make this cheesecake and he was SUPER excited about it! He asked about it all day long - super cute! 
So happy to have daddy home! 


  1. your house looks ABSOLUTELY DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!!!

  2. The cheesecake was DELICIOUS!!!! Can I come over for more!?! And love the pictures of Grayson in your previous post!
