Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We weren't really sure if we were going to do anything for NYE since we didn't have a babysitter AND I really didn't have the desire to stay up late since the G man still doesn't sleep through the night yet. Anyhow, the Botterman's were throwing a party again and told us to bring the kiddos and come early - we would have dinner and then could head out in time to get the kiddos to bed. So we did. 
But we actually ended up staying a wee bit later than we planned. 
 Ryan actually stayed up the entire time. I thought he would be tired and pass out - he has never stayed up that late! He did well and wasn't in a horrible mood. After a bit of running around I just set him up in the guest room with Mickey Mouse on the iPad and he was happy. 
We attempted to put Grayson down in Blake's crib but he liked being out in the party - he liked all the noise. After being passed around for a little bit he was out and he just slept on the couch. 
 Hanging with the girls
 Hanging with the boys

We watched the ball drop in New York then headed home.

Happy New Year everyone!

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