Sunday, December 30, 2012

The North Pole Express

The Sunday before Christmas we headed out to the Grapevine Train station to board the North Pole Express. My parents, brothers and Kevin's parents joined us. The boys wore their Christmas jammies and we all had a great time!
Ryan loved playing on the little cars while we waited in line

Grayson was trying to get his morning nap in

Hanging out waiting for the show to start

Ryan sitting with Papa watching the show

On our way to board the train...Ryan loved the 'snow'

Uncle Steve and Uncle Nick...just thrilled with all these children activities :) They were good sports!

The conductor took our tickets

Just chillin

And Santa came!

All in all it was a cute little Christmas activity. Ryan is loving trains right now so I think it was pretty cool that he got to ride on one. I am sure we will be back next year!

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