Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pictures with Santa

So proud that it is only December 4th and we have already gone to visit Santa!

Ryan wasn't a huge fan of him last year so I didn't have high hopes. That and the fact that it typically takes him about five minutes to warm up to anyone. I hyped Santa up all morning long and when we were on the way to the mall he was telling me how he was going to tell santa he wanted a choo choo train.

We sat Grayson down first and he was happy as a clam. Little G was even giving out smiles! He just looked so comfy up there will big ol Santa. I had Ryan in my arms and when he got up close he latched on to me hard...the photographer was like...when you set him down just get out of the way as fast as possible. So I did. And he screamed.
 And then Elmo came out.

And happiness was restored!
Grayson was smiling a lot but apparently not at the same time. For half the pics his shirt was covering his face...and then when Elmo came out he couldn't stop staring...you know that stare with big ol eyes and no blinking...that's that wide eyed face you see above! lol!

Heck Ryan started chatting up a storm and didn't really want to leave...perhaps next year he won't take so long to warm up to him!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, so cute but so sad for little man! And you must go to Northpark!!! We got there every year. In fact, we'll be there taking our Santa pictures on Friday! :) xo
