Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cookie Exchange

I love this time of year...I constantly have Christmas songs stuck in my head...and I constantly belt them out for my boys to hear...even if I don't know all the words...which I don't. I love the holidays. All the decorations, cheer, events, family fun and parties! One party I look forward to every year is Nat's Annual Cookie Exchange. (Remember last year? So yummy!) This year she hosted the party on a Sunday afternoon, which worked out very well (as you can tell by the attendance).  It is not only an exchange but a competition - yes, awards are given! And who judges? Everyone...since there were over 20 types of cookies the taste testing was a very serious task!

And the awards:
Best Tasting: Carmelitas
Most Festive: Bethies Treats
Most Original: Nutella Hazelnut Cookies
Most Creative: Ooey Gooey Rocky Road Cookies

I made Oreo Cheesecake cookies and although they didn't win any prizes I thought they were pretty darn good! I will be making them for Santa :) 

Lindsey and Susanne

Jackie and myself

Nat's "work" friends. lol

Yay! Cheers to the holidays!

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