Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ryan's Airplane Birthday Party

My little bug turned two so we celebrated with a birthday party at the Flight Museum!
Planning this party was so much fun! My husband was so incredibly helpful and even helped me with some of the crafting! I was a little stressed because the museum only allowed 30 minute set up time but I had a ton of help that came early and we were able to get it all set up! Yay! I know Ryan loved running around the museum with all of his buddies so all in all I think it was a huge success!

So let's get this party started!

The party started at 10am and when people started to arrive I was still finishing setting up and trying to get pictures of everything. It ended up working out fine because all the kiddos wanted to do was run around and play in the kid area. The museum has an entire area dedicated to kids - it includes a bounce house, a flight tower, a mini airplane to ride, a theatre, and some other items to play on. There are also actual airplanes that you can climb up into so there is ton's of stuff to keep them entertained!

Joe the balloon artist (from DFWFunnyBusiness) came and made balloons from 10:30 - 11:30. What kid doesn't love a balloon? That's what I thought :)

Caroline, Thompson & Andy waiting for a balloon

The kiddos got their balloons and were ready to check out some planes! Jessica & John took these sweet little kiddos up to check out the Southwest plane!

Ryan hanging out with Daddy and Yiayia

Climbing up some more stairs to check out another plane

Playing with Ava & Marin

Hanging with Uncle Steve

Making silly faces with mommy

 Around 10:45 we were able to wrangle everyone into the hangar for some arts & crafts. The kiddos decorated wooden model airplanes with markers, crayons and stickers. I also had airplane images printed out for them to color on.
 The kids were able to eat their "in-flight" lunches while we had them contained and sitting! 

Birthday boy looking a little tired - nothing a little sugar can't fix!

Click Here buddies & their kiddos!

Nat & Andy

Courtenay & Ryan's best buddy Ford

Brannen and Henry

After some lunch it was time to sing happy birthday!

And of course - Eat CAKE!

After some more running around the museum it was time to JET. Emma gave Ryan a BIG ol' goodbye hug (which clearly was adorable) and so I am bummed it's all blurry. 

After we took everything down (which was much easier than setting up) it was time to head back home for naptime. I cannot even explain how shocked I was to learn that my little man climbed all the way to the top of the Flight tower. Well, his cousin Ethan helped him but STILL! Last time he wouldn't go near this! What a BIG guy! He always has a blast with his cousins and friends.

And now to thank the people who helped me pull this party off! My mom was so incredibly helpful - she came in town early to help me out. There is always so much to do at the last minute (no matter how organized I try to be) but having her around always makes it so much easier. We ran last minute errands together, she made the chevron table runners, the airplane fondant toppers, helped with all the food and not to mention the numerous times she cleaned my house! Everyone should have a T when executing a party!

Mk, Jen, Marc, Bryan, & Terra were also instrumental in pulling this shin-dig off in time. They came early to help us set up (seriously 30 minute setup time???) and I cannot thank them enough! Bryan & Terra even picked up balloons for the party (so we didn't have to worry about it). So wonderful to have so many great friends! Everyone gives me so much credit for throwing this party but I could have never done it without everyone's help! So thank you! 

Of course Kevin was also incredibly helpful and I am so grateful for him! I am so happy that my little man had such a fun birthday party and that so many of his friends were able to help him celebrate! 

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