Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Super SWEET Surprise 30th

I am going to brag because I have the SWEETEST husband and friends! This past weekend they surprised me with an awesome 30th birthday and I am so lucky...still on my sugar high!

The theme was "30 sucks - So let's make it Sweet" which I LOVE! It was especially clever since I am clearly pregnant and am obsessed with adore my sweets right now! What a perfect theme for a pregnant 30 year old! I must say it was pretty wonderful having an awesome celebration and NOT waking up with a hangover!

I am completely blown away at the sneakiness of my friends and the awesome details of the party. They really outdid themselves and everything was so perfect!

How it went down: We had plans to go to dinner at MiCo Lakewood with my Houston friends and while we were there they mentioned that they wanted to grab a drink after. Although I was pretty exhausted I don't see them that often so I was game for whatever! Little did I know they were leading me to my surprise party!
Walking in to the surprise!

This is my surprise...overwhelmed...confused and yet excited face! ha!

Love this man!

And these sneaky ladies!

My mom was pretty sneaky too - when we left for dinner she was watching little R for us - so I was a little surprised to see her at the party too! No worries, they had a wonderful babysitter lined up for Ryan!

It was such a surprise to have everyone gathered together - most people I had just seen earlier that day at Ryan's party! 

This is the kind of sweets table I only dream about! Cupcakes, colorful sprinkled donuts, a chocolate fountain with yummy fruit to dip AND an assortment of ice cream toppings...for the Paciugo gelato! Can you say HEAVEN?
And some more awesome party details:
Loved the venue that my hubby chose - Times Ten Cellars! I love their wine - I treated myself to one little glass - it's a perfect little spot to gather and celebrate (with all my friends that CAN drink!)

How adorable are these cupcakes? Nat had them made like sno-cones - since she knows how obsessed I have been with them this summer!

I LOVE these candy dishes! What an adorable idea! (I have already started thinking of how I can reuse them for future parties!)
Ok back to the PARTY!

I am so sad the weekend is over but happy that I have this memory - will cherish it forever! I feel so lucky and so loved!

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