Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had such a wonderful Easter Sunday and are so happy we were able to spend it with friends and family. As I have said before, holidays are so much more fun with kids - and they are even better when your little kiddos are old enough to participate in activities! Ryan is still a little young but it was so much fun today!

For holidays we go to church as a family (with Kevin's parents and his sister's family) and since we all go to different churches we go to whichever church works best (timing & nursery availability play a big role these days) . Today we headed to the Hale's church for Easter service which was perfect because it is a smaller church so it wasn't so chaotic.  Ryan and Audrey went to the nursery but made a little appearance during the service! In the middle of the service the pastor calls all the kids up to the front for "children's time" - Ethan and Lyla headed up and then we saw all the little kiddos from the nursery filing in - so cute. Ryan sat up in the front like a good little boy but he sure was uber chatty! He was checking out the crowd and then he spotted his daddy! He kept saying "DAD" and giggling - it was pretty darn cute!

After church we headed home to check out what the Easter bunny left! (I realize in future years this will probably happen before church...but since R is little he didn't seem to mind waiting).  Out in the backyard the Easter bunny left some eggs and Ryan's basket full of goodies!

He was so excited about his goodies in his basket! He kept taking each one out and bringing it over to daddy.

Look at that sweet little smile!

A little blurry but we'll take it!

After a few pics we packed up and headed over to the Sun's for brunch. 
Easter brunch at the Sun's house! Joe was in China this year but the rest of the crew still made it. We had such a yummy spread this year - I am definitely going to need a few of the recipes!

After lunch the kiddos had an egg hunt - confetti eggs! We never did confetti eggs growing up but it is so much fun and all the kids LOVE them! Ryan loved popping them and spreading the confetti everywhere!

Family pics are a bit challenging ...especially when it's nap time!
When we got home mommy and Ryan took a nice long nap. The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house (the rain kept us in for a while). Ryan was entertained by his goodies in his basket and once the rain stopped we headed out for a nice little walk. Before Ryan headed to bed we were able to get a little skype time in with Yia yia and Papu!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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