Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at Lakewood

Saturday morning we headed up to Lakewood Country Club for the annual brunch with the Easter bunny and egg hunt. It is a bit chaotic because of the amount of people but they do a good job so it's a fun time for the kiddos.

We got there a little bit before 11am so that we could be sure to snag a table - success! We actually got one with enough seats for us, the Hales and the McDonoughs. Michael, Kevin and Mary took the kiddos for pictures with the Easter bunny while Sarah and I were able to grab some lunch.
Ryan wasn't a huge fan of the bunny. Apparently he didn't cry...just didn't really smile. 

Watermelon? Oh, I should mention it is dipped in ketchup...

Everyone joined us at the table and we got to eat together. After brunch we headed to the cupcake table where the kiddos decorated cupcakes. Ryan loved the jelly beans...he stuffed as many in his mouth as he could. What a mess...

After the cupcakes we headed outside to get ready for the egg hunt! After a little bit of waiting we made it over to the driving range where Ryan & Audrey's Egg Hunt began. Wowzers - there were a lot of kids! I really wasn't sure how Ryan would like this whole egg hunting thing but he actually did pretty well. There were a ton of eggs so Ryan was very picky - not just any egg would do for him. Looking back at pictures he seems to like the yellow, red and orange eggs!

Trying to find the perfect egg.

My and my little bug!

This was after the hunt...Ryan loved all the space...and just took off. Oh, and you can also see my BUMP! 

After the egg hunt we headed home for nap time! What a fun morning!


  1. You look great!! And you dress Ryan so ready for two? :)

    1. Aww thanks! You are so sweet! hmmmm are you ever really ready?? lol...I am so excited to have another little one but not looking forward to the sleepless nights!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Haha I was never ready either much easier and so much harder in different ways... 2 yr spacing though is great!!! He will eventually not remember life before brother or sister "so great to watch him also transition into the role of big brother
