Sunday, January 22, 2012

Project 366 - Week 3

January 15 - Sunday funday with Rob! Eating at our first food truck - little R LOVED the chicken from The Mighty Cone and wanted to share it with uncle rob!
January 16 - Attack of the bubbles! Playing in the backyard with his cousins.
January 17 - My little bug LOVES the park - even if it's cold.
January 18 - Yay for the first day back to music class! Audrey came with us to our class and these two were so darn cute toting their supplies out to the car afterwards!
January 19 - Helping mommy pack for our trip to Houston.
January 20 - Loving the pool at Yia yia and Papus - he kept trying to sneak in! Thankfully we got the gate set up!
January 21 - Having a BALL at Thompson and Vivian's first birthday party!

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