Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Project 366 - Week 2

January 8 - Ryan wants to "get in" everything. He loves Bob's kennel but when he started trying to get inside his farm it was hilarious!
January 9 - He is also a fan of riding everything. He loves his train and his frog rocker but apparently he isn't too picky - the paper towels worked for him as well!
January 10 - First day back to school since winter break (which was a MONTH!). No crying for my little man - he did good!
January 11 - While we were getting ready in the morning Ryan decided he wanted to "get in" the cabinet. See what I mean...huge fan.
January 12 - Ryan loved the colored mat at Little Gym today...he ran back and forth on it.
January 13 - Ryan loved running up and down the hallway at the hotel - playing on the bell cart was also fun.
January 14 - Having so much fun at Reeses first birthday party - swinging with mommy!

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