Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas - Part 2

We started round two of Christmas by attending 4pm mass at Kevin's parents church. The Hales (and Michaels parents) also joined. It was the family service so no nursery for Ryan. Overall he did really well - good thing we had the whole family there to entertain him!

After church everyone headed back to our house. We wanted to host Christmas Eve and share a Vassilaros tradition.

One of my favorite family traditions is making homemade pizza on Christmas Eve.  It was always so special because we didn't really eat a ton of pizza growing up. My mom cooked a lot and we rarely ordered out, so pizza was definitely a treat. And we decided to make it homemade because my dad wasn't a fan of "chain" pizza...and that's how it started. It's so much fun all gathering in the kitchen and cutting all the toppings and making the pizza. Oh and also - my parents let us to drink Coca-cola (instead of milk) - that was, by far, the coolest thing EVER! However, now days I usually prefer wine...but I am sure Ryan will get just as excited about the Coke thing one day. So although my family was back in Houston we hosted everyone at our house and made pizza. I think Kevin and I did a pretty darn good job. I wish I would have got a picture of our yummy pizza - it was delicious if I don't say so myself!

Afterwards the kiddos decorated sugar cookies. Ryan even joined in on this...

He is VERY hands on. 
And I suspect he did a little taste-testing. 
What a mess!

We had a great time eating pizza and Christmas cookies for desert. After dinner we busted out Catch Phrase.

On Christmas morning the little man slept in until 8am. Once he finally got up we packed up all the gifts and headed over to the Hales house so that we could all open presents together.
Ryan loved Audrey's pink computer

The Hales always get a REAL Christmas tree and its HUGE! Michael even made the BOW on the top - what a husband!

Ryan's big gift from grandma and grandpa

Cousins helping Ryan open his gifts

The shape sorter was a huge hit

Every so often the little man would get sidetracked by the big ol tree and all of its easily assessable ornaments. 

Loving the musical instruments

Helping the little man open his big ol gift

Playing with E!

The Suns stopped by

Truman (12 mo) Ryan (17 mo) 

After opening all the gifts, eating a wonderful breakfast, playing with all the toys and attending an exclusive party at Lyla's Party Palace we were pooped. We headed back home for Ryan's nap time...

Around 4ish we headed over to Kevin's parents house for Christmas dinner. The food was delicious and there were still more gifts to open!

All of our stockings had wonderful surprises in them....Ryan LOVED the little windup toy in his!

Cheers to a wonderful Christmas with our family!

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