Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas - Part 1

As I mentioned earlier we celebrated Christmas twice this year! My family came in town before Christmas and we sent a few days with them and then celebrated Christmas on the morning of the 24th before they headed back to Houston. It was so great to have my YiaYia and Papu in town - I am so glad they were able to hang out with little R!

Playing on the iPad with Papu

Pro Yiayia reading Ryan a book

Eating some yummy breakfast with Papu

So many gifts to open! Next year I will definitely be assembling Ryan's bigger gifts instead of wrapping the boxes!

He LOVED the bows! He was quite the little bow thief!

Looking for some more bows to steal...

And stolen!

Daddy helping Ryan out with his stocking

Bob was happy to find a lap

Not surprisingly Ryan loved the boxes and tissue paper

One cool kiddo!

Ryan LOVED this farm - even without the batteries (yay)

Hanging with Uncle Nick

Such a wonderful (pre)Christmas morning! Loved having my family in town over the holidays. Ryan is so lucky to grow up with family so close!

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