Sunday, August 28, 2011

Turning 29

So last Thursday (the 25th) was my actual birthday (I've clearly been celebrating it for a while now:)). I had such a wonderful day hanging out with my little man!

Kevin and Ryan woke me up in the morning with a homemade card from my little guy. It is seriously adorable and Kevin even managed to get Ryan's handprints. The cutest part was the HUGE grin Ryan had on his face as they came into the bedroom. He had the card in his hand and was so happy - I wish I had a picture but I will always remember it because it was so adorable.

After work Kevin brought me his gift (he always hides my gifts at his office) ...he really outdid himself and got me a pair of nude pumps that I had my eye on. He, without any direct hints for me at all....seriously...I only pinned them in Pinterest and casually mentioned it) managed to secure the exact pumps I was after. He is just that good :)

Anyhow, since we have a big weekend planned we weren't up for much tonight. We dropped R off at his cousins house and had a nice and quick dinner at BlueFish (my favorite).  Such a great day! On Friday night we went to Sushi Axiom with friends to celebrate. It's really the only week I could ever get away with sushi two nights in a I took advantage of it :) (All my pic are from Fri night.)

Me and my love bug

Stacey, Megan & Terra

Sarah and I

My wee little candle!

Sarah and Michael at J Blacks

All the girls

And the guys...I guess it was a serious pic (and Joe didn't get the memo) lol. 

I had such a great 29th birthday - thanks everyone!!!

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