Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ryan and I took a little vacay down to H-town to visit our friends and family. Kevin didn't make it this trip because he had a conference and a bachelor party to attend. We missed him a lot but had lots of fun! Below are the highlights from our trip.

Trip highlights:
- Dining at Samurai's with the Aston's and Uncle Steve. Ryan loved the FIRE!
- Going to music class with Caroline and Thompson

Mommy gave him chopsticks (fail)

Loving that chef!

At music chasing bubbles!

-Swimming and Yia Yia & Papu's house (with and without Macy)
-Playing with Macy & Bob
-Breakfast in the morning with Papu outside

Checking out the waterfalls with Papu

Bob & Ryan hanging out

No swimsuits required at YiaYia's!

Cruising around with my walker

Playing with YiaYia's decorative balls - BIG FAN!

-Jessica's bridal shower - can't wait for her wedding in October! We are headed to Jamaica!

-Celebrating my 29th birthday at Mk's!
Mk is such a wonderful friend - always doing something for someone. She threw a birthday party for me which was great because I got to see everyone! It was so nice to have it at her house because dining out is really challenging these days! And it would have been was nice that we contained the craziness in her house. Ryan was in a mood that night - not happy one bit. There was lots of screaming but also lots of playing between the other kiddos. Fun times! The food was yummy, the cake was yummy and I am sure everyone could agree that the wine was necessary delicious. I am so thankful for all my wonderful friends - I am one lucky girl! 

-Going to the West U pool with the Aston's and Gist's
Ryan trying to sleep through all the fun!

Such a fun pool!

Little man woke up and LOVED it! He also ate almost the ENTIRE hotdog! Wow!

-Shopping with YiaYia T

-Going to the Cross Creek Ranch pool with YiaYia T, Steven, Claire, the Steger's, Wilson's and Jacquie!

It was really difficult to get a picture of these guys. 

Cristin and I have been besties since we were 5! So fun to have our kids play together now!

- And of course, our trip to LUPE TORTILLAS!
Ryan is fascinated by beer bottles

Papu and Ryan just chillin

So glad Claire came in town! Ryan loves her!

Stuffed with fajitas....just missing Uncle Nick and Kevin

Celebrating in Katy with a delicious cookie cake! Marc and Jen came over too!

We had so much fun and LOVE all of our friends and family in Houston! Wish we could see everyone more often!

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