Monday, February 3, 2014

Grayson (17 months)

So little G is 17 months now - woah!
He is so much fun and full of the best expressions! When he smiles, his entire face lights up. He has started to make these silly faces when he is upset and they just make me laugh. He is such a ham and I am constantly getting comments on how darn cute he is! Here is a little bit of what we have been up to the past couple of months.
Was pleased as a peach when he discovered apples. He thought they were balls....and then found out you could eat them! Two of his favorite things!!!

This little man loves The Little Gym! His favorite things are the uneven bars and the balance beam. He loves doing it all by himself too - it's so darn cute to see him so pleased with himself!

Always a big fan of meal time - loves to use utensils as well. 

He loves to hang out with his older brother and his friends. He wants to do whatever they are doing. Everything.

Love to throw trash away and so dedicated to it. In fact, the other morning we were still all upstairs in our bedroom and I asked him to throw his diaper away in the trash can - thinking he would just throw it away in the bathroom trash that was the closest. However, he had different plans. He jetted out of the room and down the long hallway. I found him at the gate (thank goodness we finally got those installed). He was ready to make the long journey downstairs to the kitchen trash! That man loves to throw things away...I know its only a matter of time before I find non trash items in there.

He had been known to bite and hit...mainly just his brother. In fact, poor Ryan tells me that he wants a baby sister because his baby brother bites just like his dog. oh dear.

Grayson has learned his body parts and is as pleased as punch when he can show them off to you...especially his belly button. He can also identify animals and make some animal noises...

One of the biggest changes that we have seen is his new LOVE for books. I am not kidding...I have never seen a kid (mind you I only have one other) go from absolutely no interest in sitting down to read a book to being obsessed with them. It's kinda crazy! I love it he will actually let me read and he checks out the pages so carefully. His favorite books are the superman and batman books that we have. He also loves the very hungry caterpillar. I love reading it to him because when we get to the pages with food he pretends to take big bites out of them! Ugh, his sound effects are so adorable - I can't get enough!

Over the past couple of months (December & January) all four of his molars came in. We definitely knew they were coming as we had a handful of sleepless nights - poor little guy! I think he is now working on his pointy teeth...not nearly as bad as his molars but something is def not quite normal with him.

Ba - paci? Not sure why
Back pack

There really are new words everyday...and I am sure a bunch that I am forgetting. Love this little bug to pieces!

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