Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Yiayia's 60th Birthday!

My mom turned SIXTY on September 1st! 

Isn't she adorable? I don't know what "60" is supposed to look like but I would say she looks pretty darn good! 

My kiddos were so excited to surprise Yiayia with her birthday breakfast. 

Trying to get a picture of all the grandkids - Grayson is Cora's little assistant.  He always tried to get her into position for the pictures...but you can see she wasn't super interested. 

I catered this breakfast for six adults and four children but it was enough for twenty-five - build your own breakfast tacos with three different options, muffins, croissants, pastries & fruit. Not to mention a full coffee & mimosa bar! When they brought in the SIX bottles of champagne I said, you know there are only SIX of us that can drink...she said, "I've seen worse". lol! Don't worry - we didn't drink all six. And There was SO much leftover food. We ate and ate...then we had some cake! 

Cake at 11am? Why not?!?

Sweet little girls!

Helping Yiayia blow out the candles!

Just a little more decor around the room...We hung out for quite a while. The UT game was on and the kids were content so we didn't really head down to the pool until noonish. We spent the day outside and then later that evening we had a babysitter from College Nannies & Tutors come out to the hotel to watch the kiddos while we went out for a little more celebrating!

Claire & T

I guess all I don't have any pictures with the guys. Oops! 

Dinner at our family's favorite Austin Steakhouse - Austin Land & Cattle

Cheers to 60! We love you!

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