Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hayden's 4th Birthday

This sweet little unicorn turned FOUR!

 I've always wanted to order one of these cute yard signs, or the number balloons, but then forget. Imagine that.  Luckily one of Hayden's friends had a birthday a week before and posted this unicorn from Yard Candy - I knew Hayden would love it so I immediately ordered one too!

The funny thing is that we currently have SIX signs in our yard (for all of our backyard shenanigans). Like it's ridiculous. So when I told Kevin we were getting another one he was super thrilled! Lol. And typically they deliver the day before the birthday and pick up two days after....well somehow we ended up with this thing in our yard for over a week! Oye. Although it's much cuter than our other yard signs.
We went and got manicures & pedicures at our favorite spot. 

And then we went to the American Girl Store! I know she might seem a little young for an AG doll but I figure childhood is only so go for it. Ha. 

Plus she was SO excited for cousin Audrey to come along too!

Sweet girls!

Buckled up their dolls!

We stopped at Suzie Cakes for some birthday cupcakes and of course, their dolls came too!

Hayden requested spaghetti for her birthday dinner and cupcakes for dessert! 

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