Sunday, January 7, 2018

Disney World - Day One

So at 4:45am on New Years Day we headed to the airport. 

Both Kevin and I were a tad over-confident with the fact that we were leaving from Love Field. We were debating on leaving the house around 4:40 or know, cause we are so close and it is soooooo convenient. Well, we are dumb because it is the holidays. And the weather was crazy. 
We got a fresh slap in the face when we arrived and saw massive lines for check-in. And then security. Holy guacamole.

We really didn't think we were going to make it. But we did...just in time to board the plane. We thought we would be able to grab breakfast but that didn't happen. So we had peanuts and pretzels. The flight was uneventful and we arrived in Orlando at 9:45am. 

We grabbed some food to eat on the way and went to pick up our luggage. (Disney's Magical Express will get your luggage for you BUT I really didn't want to deal with any lost luggage) Anyhow, the baggage claim and Disney's Magical Express area couldn't have been any further away from each other. So that was super fun. By the time we got to the check in I was a sweaty mess.

However, once we got there the entire process was easy peasy. Kudos to Heidi (our Disney vacation planner) at Trips to the Mouse and Walt Disney World itself. They know what they are doing. We swiped our wrist bands to activate and were ushered to a bus that would take us to our hotel in no time.

On the ride over I was trying to check in to the hotel via the app but it wasn't working when we arrived I have to physically check in. No biggie. Our room wasn't ready, since it was only 11am, so we changed the kids out of their PJs and headed to Epcot for the afternoon.

So Kevin and I have totally different packing personalities. And packing for this trip I think Kevin totally took on the Michele packing mantra. We brought three different jackets for EACH kid. That's NINE jackets!!! Yes. You are welcome for that math. And that doesn't even include all the other crap I packed. Anyhow, I would just like to say that thank goodness because we needed them! This weather is cray cray.

So here was the Epcot Plan:
Test Track Fast Pass 2:45
Spaceship Earth Fast Pass 3:45
Turtle Talk with Crush Fast Pass 4:50

And the actual execution went like this:
When we arrived I checked the Disney app and saw that the Nemo & Friends ride was only 20 minute wait, so we headed over there to check that out before our first fast pass ride. 

The Seas with Nemo & Friends: Cute little kid-friendly ride where you are invited to join Marlin and Dory on an adventure to find Nemo.
You "board a "clamobile" and descend below the waves into a "Big Blue World" where Nemo and his friends flit though brightly colored coarl reeds and gently swaying sea anemones. Swim with Mr. Ray and his school and see ultra-cool, ultravoilet "jellies".  Dodge underwater mines, a toothy angler fish and even toothier Bruce the shark as he lurks in the rusted hull of a sunken ship. Then catch a ride on the EAC with sea turtle Crush and his little dude Squirt. "
After the ride we hung around the The Seas with Nemo and Friends Pavilion and checked out the aquarium.  
The kids LOVED the aquarium - perhaps I should take them to the Dallas one again. Anyhow, we stumbled upon Turtle Talk with Crush and hopped in the standby line since it was only 20 minutes, but after a couple of minutes we realized how hungry we were and headed out to hit up the World Showcase for some snacks. 

Heidi at Trips to the Mouse had some amazing recommendations for us but unfortunately the weather was cold and rainy so we didn't make it very far around the world. In fact, we only made it to the United Kingdom (it's the second country).  We grabbed some Fish & Chips and ate outside under a table with an umbrella.  It was still pretty miserable so we decided to can the walk and head back to Future World to hit our first Fast Pass. We still had some time so we grabbed a croissant donut & some hot chocolate in Canada on the way. 

When we arrived at Test Track we realized it was closed because of the rain. They told us we could use our fast pass on anything (there were two exceptions, one was meet & greet with Ana and Elsa and I can't remember the other). So we decided to hit Spaceship earth and then call it a day. The boys were super excited for Spaceship Earth - the second we arrived at Epcot Ryan was asking if we could go in the big ball. The stand by line for this ride was over an hour, so it was nice to have a fast pass. We really didn't wait very long but somehow Hayden managed to fall asleep in Kevin's arms.
She was so tired - 4:30am wake up will do that to ya!

When you get on the ride you select the language for your journey. I am pretty sure Ryan accidentally selected Spanish and Kevin had no idea what was happening. Half-way through the ride he had his phone flashlight out checking the side of the ride to see if there were a Spanish on/off button. He was so confused. And I was giggling. It was great. And typical.
(Side note: I remember this ride from when I was little - and it hasn't changed. I mean, not that I remember the entire thing but it still ends with the invention of the computer. Ha! Things have come a long way since then. They did add a little interactive quiz and story at the end but that was the only new thing.)
 Anyhow, the kids were happy, so we were happy.

Although we really didn't do that much we were tired, wet and cold so we decided to head back to the hotel to rest before our Pirate Desert Show later that evening.  

We had dinner at Contempo cafe then headed back to the room for a hot second to get uber bundled up for our boat ride. During our room visit Hayden fell asleep on the bed. Since we are selfish awesome parents, we grabbed her and headed down to the pirate dessert fireworks show that we had on the ol' schedule.  Heidi had told us that the first part of the event was inside (and since it was at our hotel) we figured we could make a game-time decision on the whole boat situation. 

So many cream, cotton candy, popsicles, chocolate....oh my!
When we check in the informed us that the boat portion was cancelled because of the weather. Not only that, but they would still have the desert, characters and show....AND they were giving everyone a full reimbursement. Well hot-diggity-dog. This evening couldn't have been more perfect. The kids were exhausted and it was FREEZING outside, so we were totally ok with the whole boat situation. 
Patch and Patch (the pirate hosts) came out and started the show. They were super fun and the kids loved them.

We had desserts and then Captain Hook and Smee showed up for pictures and storytelling. They did some trivia and actually Ryan raised his hand and answered a question correctly! He won a pirate hook! He was very proud - and so were Kevin and I - we didn't know the answer! lol! After a while Peter Pan made an appearance...and then everyone was invited to go watch fireworks from the 4th floor bar area. However since we had an amazing view from our room...we hightailed it upstairs and watched from our room.
Hayden LOVED the characters. I thought she might be scared but she was all about them - hugs were even given! A Hayden hug doesn't come easily!

 And that is her current smile that we get....
 She is saying cheese...and probably "stop it mommy"
 They loved getting everyone's autograph!

I'm not saying this was the most successful first day at Disney, but we felt like we had a pretty darn good day. The show and character greeting at the end of the day really got them excited and we ended the day on a high. The kids loved it and are ready to wake up and do it again!

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