Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Stonewall Jackson Auction 2017

This years auction theme was 'Race For the Stars' (as in Derby 'Run for the Roses') and it did not disappoint! Mint juleps, seersucker suits, and fancy hats - it was a BLAST!

An appropriately themed SJE hat by one of our teachers :)

Although I was technically in charge of the 'Hat Project', where we asked students to create derby hats that we sold (to raise money for the school) a couple weeks before Auction, I didn't even make one myself! gasp! I decided to take it slow this year. This kinder year is all about getting my feet wet...I'm just trying to understand everything before I dig in full throttle. Plus, I'll be here plenty of years :) I digress...

Anyhow, as I was saying...I didn't make my hat. I bought it from Sam Moon. So random, but they had quite a nice selection for a very low price.
All dolled up! 

And Kevin's outfit (blazer & white pants) was Stein Mart off-the-rack. lol. Another derby gold-mine. Not kidding...if you ever need ANYTHING bright or seersucker Stein Mart is your place. They killed it. 

Love that Kevin's sister lives down the street. And that our kids go to the same school :)
She's like my cool older sister I always wanted.

We met up at a neighbors house and Uber-ed from there. 
And then we were off to The Hall of State at Fair Park. 

The drink of the night. Admittedly I didn't have one - I knew mixing in liquor might be troubling. 

Loved the venue! 

Lacey and Heather were this years auction hosts and they did an amazing job!

Free My Music VIP party sponsors, very fun neighbors and also fellow kinder parents - The Staffords.

And we were off to the races silent auction!
I did have a plan of attack, kind of. My main goal was to sign up for the parties (adult & kids) and to win Ryan's kinder teacher for a night of babysitting. Anything else would just be bonus. I know that doesn't sound like an exciting auction but there were a ton of actual items and experiences to win too. Tickets to Bruno Mars, VIP parking at North Park, Interior Decorating packages, Four Season Resort stay, ect...
Another fun thing each grade does is put together a 'basket' of goodies to auction off. We did an exercise themed bag - but here are examples of other grades. 

so fun!

One of the items on Big Board that I really wanted was the PHOTillustrator. I love the entire concept behind this and would love to get one done. We have lots of space in the dining room - and it would be such a great conversation starter! Too bad I didn't stay on top of my bids...this one slipped away.  Luckily I have all the info I need :)

Instead of paying attention to the auction items, I was off gabbing. All night. 

Michael and Sarah doing a little bidding at the table. 

And this picture cracks me up because it was CLEARLY taken at the end of the night.
Proof of how much fun we all had!

Oh and I guess the important question is, What did we "win"? Well...apparently I was too busy gabbing and I wasn't keeping track of my bids. I am still waiting to hear the final outcome. Although I was told that I did win Mrs. Littlefield for babysitting! Wohoo!

And then there was the after party....
Yup - we stayed out until 3am like we were in college. Please note that between the six ladies above, there were 17 sleeping children that were going to be up and ready to go in less than 4 hours.  #seemedlikeagoodideaatthetime 

Unit next time....

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