Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter!

6:20am Easter morning!
We grabbed the kiddos out of bed and popped them in the car before they even knew what day it was. Well, Ryan did. He was excited and happy to get dressed.  We decided to go to the sunrise service to avoid the crazy it was outside and the kids can lay on blankets (wiggle as much as they want) without driving us crazy. 

Such a handsome little man!

Donuts + breakfast tacos + blankets = pretty happy crew. 
So Hayden was pretty set on wearing her hat. I am not even sure how she found it on the way out the door. No big deal - most kids were in PJs and some adults were too! lol. 

When we got home they were so excited to see what the Easter bunny had left for them. 
They spent an hour or so playing with everything in their baskets. It was nice to relax and not rush all the Easter surprises in order to get to church - I think we might make the sunrise service a part of our Easter tradition! 

Around 9:30am these guys decided they were ready to hunt for eggs!

Ready. Set. Go!

Checking out all the goodies!
Happy kiddo!

At 11am we packed up and headed over to the Sun's house for Easter brunch. 

My mom made some Greek Easter bread!

 One all the food was set out and ready to go, Hayden hopped up on the bar stool and grabbed some chicken.  I guess she was hungry!

All these cuties!!!

After brunch the dads went out back to hide the confetti eggs.
 I caught these two peeping.

This one wasn't so sure about the whole confetti thing.... 

Love my pretty mama!

All the ladies...

And then we had desert...lots of April birthday's to celebrate! Everyone got their favorite desert :) These might be my top three! Society bakery, Suzie Cakes and JD Chippery! #bestofDallas

And this is what happened later...
Another wonderful holiday with friends and family!

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