Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - February 22

1. What we're eating this week

After four days of all inclusive food & drinks in Mexico Kevin and I are ready to get back to our normal eating routine. We started our first night out with my favorite salad from Nordstrom's Bistro N- Cilantro Lime Shrimp Salad. The Family Table cookbook is no longer available but this lady shared the recipe on her blog - so check it out here

And my Blue Apron box this week includes: 
Seared Steak & Mashed Potatoes with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Steak Sauce 

and Catfish Katsu Yakiniku Sauce with Cabbage & Jasmine Rice

2. What I'm reminiscing about
Our trip!

3. What I am loving
My new rug for the living room

4. What we've been up to
Just hanging around - the weather has been really great and its so much fun to run around outside without mosquitos!!! I know they will be here soon....

5. What I'm dreading

6. What I'm working on
ha. apparently the same exact things from last month. February is really short!
The Playroom
- Painting the entertainment system 
- Decorating the walls
Ryan's Star Wars Room
Paint walls

7. What I'm excited about

8. What I'm watching/reading
I finished The Girl in Cabin 10 in Mexico and loved it!

although I never tend to reread books I ended up reading this one again...I couldn't remember what happened! I have no idea how I can completely forget these things...I think I must have read it when Hayden was still nursing...those middle of the night reading sessions didn't really stick with me.
And the HBO mini-series just started - can't wait to watch!!!

9. What I'm listening to

10. What I'm wearing

11. What I'm doing this weekend
-Spring Moms party 
-hanging with the kiddos and enjoying the weather!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month
Spring Break & Charleston girls trip!

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