Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trick or Treat - Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween!

Ryan was so excited to be a Robot! I had so much fun making his costume! We even made a little candy shoot for all of his Halloween goodies. 

I also made this Jungle Jeep for Grayson, however he didn't use it. We just carted it around in the wagon. Oh well. 

These two happily got dressed in their costumes and ate their dinner - they were ready to go!

The Bishop Family came over for a quick dinner before heading out to trick or treat. 


Zookeeper Sarah and Hank the Panda bear (although he kinda looks more like a zombie dog)


This is basically how Hayden walked around. She wouldn't wear her tutu, vest or ears. 

Sweet little girl! She loved trick or treating...but was incredibly cautious if she saw anything scary!

Hayden & Ryanne checking out their loot!


Another successful year in the books! So much fun!

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