Monday, October 3, 2016

SJE Open House

Last Tuesday Ryan's school had an Open House. Kevin was out of town so it was just me and Ryan.

We started out in his classroom and I was able to see some of the things they have been working on for the past six weeks. Everything is so new to them, especially all of their new friends. In order to get to know each other better, Mrs. Littlefield gives each student a turn with the "me" bag. Basically each kid gets a turn to fill a brown paper sack with three things that they love and then share it with the class. In class they use their journals to draw pictures of each kids favorites. They draw a picture of the student, their favorite color, their favorite number and favorite animal.
Here is a page in Ryan's journal - when I picked him up from school one day he mentioned that he had drawn a "boy" horse (with the necessary equipment). I was so confused on why he did this, but he simply stated that he wanted everyone to know it was a "boy". Well. Ok then. 

Ryan actually had the "Me" bag that night and he decided to fill it with a mini Robot, a Lego Star Wars creation that he had made, and a picture of his family. Such a sweetie! His favorites:
Color: Red
Number: Six
Animal: Moose

Career day was last week and each student dressed up as what they wanted to be when they grow up. I kinda dropped the ball on this, but what does a Robotics engineer wear anyways? I did manage to make him a super cool name 
Moving on...
They had talked about maps in school that day and used a map of the school to color in their favorite places to go - and then he took me to each of them. 

I loved going to the Stonewall Gardens!
The garden is such a great resource for the students. In 1996 it was created to give students a real life example of the plants life cycle. Today they not only use it for science but it also serves as a springboard for other lessons. At the Open house I was able to look through Ryan's Garden journal and see some of the fun things they have already done! More info here.

And he was so excited to show me the chicken coop! 

I realize we are only six weeks in, but we have been so happy with our experience thus far. There are so many friendly families, loving teachers and supportive parents that really make a difference at this school. I am excited to be a part of this! The Open House was great - I loved seeing how Ryan spends his day!

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