Monday, October 10, 2016

Pumpkins at the Arboretum

On Saturday morning I decided to take the kiddos to check out the pumpkin village at the Dallas Arboretum

Hayden wanted me to hold her and wasn't too interested in the pumpkins. When I tried to set her down for a picture she was not having it, so I just said no worries, I'll just get your brothers. Of course she then decided that a couple pics wouldn't be that hard. lol. Too bad it is basically impossible to get a pic with all three of them SMILING and LOOKING at the camera. 

This is Grayson's cheese face. Well, he is saying cheese. over and over again. 

Grayson's cheese face looks oddly similar to his bathroom face. We need to work on that. 

And the open mouth excited face...

Grayson too. 

it's getting weird...

And we are done.

He looks so big!

Checking out all the pumpkins....

Just following the boys

He wants a picture on this pumpkin...but he forgets to smile.

In search of little pumpkins...

Here is her open mouth "excited" smile....

And this.

Now Grayson was really getting in to it. Finding pumpkins, climbing pumpkins...all for a pic! What a trooper!

Once we had  enough of the pumpkins I tried to kill a little time by just wondering around the rest of the garden. We sat down and had a snack and then Hayden decided that she wanted to pull the wagon. 

It was a little too heavy with both boys so eventually she agreed to get in and let me pull them. 

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